Resilience can be seen as the ability to ‘thrive and survive’ in any situation.
The types of adversity that demand resilience can range from ‘daily hassles’ to major setbacks. As well as stressful life events such as divorce, redundancy, bankruptcy, illness or bereavement and perhaps even more severe trauma in some cases. Everyone is capable of being resilient. Become more so by developing appropriate coping strategies. Resilience employs fairly ordinary abilities such as problem solving, assertiveness and dealing with your thoughts and feelings.
Resilience is our ability to live in accord with our personal values, rather than eliminate unpleasant experiences. As Carl Jung said ‘What you resist persists’. Trying to control or avoid unpleasant feelings by negative habits such as eating, procrastinating, avoiding, withdrawing, distracting ourselves on social media, shopping, alcohol or prescription drugs to name a few, only adds to our stress in the long run.
Resilience consists of your ability to remain on course. Committed to your personal values. Despite facing adversity, challenging events and even setbacks.
Get Support
If you feel like you need some professional support to regain control of your life and develop a more positive outlook. Contact me to find out how I could support you with a unique blend of coaching and hypnotherapy, to develop your own personal resilience plan.
Coaching can help you to creatively solve problems, rather than over-looking them. It supports you in accurately identifying the specific causes of a problem. Seeing them as challenges-to-be-met rather than threats-to-be-avoided. Accurately identifying the aspects of a problem that are under your control. Then being confident in finding a solution that’s likely to work, so that you can commit to action, in the service of your goals and values.
Hypnotherapy will help you develop further skills such as assertiveness and confidence, to ensure that you defend your personal rights. You will find ways to express your needs, opinions and feelings effectively and appropriately.
Being in a caring environment provides you with the emotional support and encouragement needed. So that you can develop the resources to take care of yourself during difficult times of personal growth.
Visit our Positive Transformation Packages and Courses.